Hearing Aid Repairs For Nova Scotia

Provincial Hearing’s Professional Hearing Aid Repairs

Hearing aids are essential equipment for those who need a boost when it comes to hearing and communicating with others.

Besides helping you stay connected with friends and loved ones, your device makes it possible for you to continue to interact with coworkers, neighbours, and other members of the community, enabling you to carry out the basic daily tasks of an independent lifestyle.

When your hearing aids don’t perform as designed, you can become frustrated and stop wearing them. To continue receiving the advantages provided by your hearing aids even when they are underperforming or not working at all, we offer hearing aid wearers throughout Nova Scotia the opportunity to have their device repaired.

Whether you take advantage of Remote Access Hearing Care for troubleshooting or programming support or need to bring them by the office for maintenance and/or repair, Provincial Hearing has you covered.

Our hearing instrument specialists frequently encounter a range of issues and are equipped to offer the precise repairs your hearing aids may need.

Hearing aid repair expert fixing a hearing device
A hearing aid being repaired at Provincial Hearing

Three Common Hearing Aid Repair Issues

Among the thousands of hearing aids we’ve repaired over the years, the majority of repair issues fall into one of three categories:

  1. Wax buildup penetrates the delicate electronic components, causing them to malfunction.
  2. Excessive moisture leads to shorting or a faulty connection due to corrosion.
  3. Broken components and loose wires from dropping and/or stepping on your device, faulty components, or daily wear.

Quick Tip: Most repair issues can be avoided by developing a faithful habit of daily cleaning and care of your hearing aids, avoiding moisture, performing frequent inspections of your device to identify problems before they get worse, and keeping up with deep cleaning and scheduled maintenance appointments.

Our Repair Service

The good news is that our specialist has the right know-how and equipment to provide you with fast, effective results if your hearing aids begin to malfunction or quit working altogether. Using our training and expertise, as well as specialized tools and equipment, we can diagnose the issue with your device, repair it and get it back in working order while you wait.

For more extensive repair issues that are beyond what our expert can deal with in the office, we’ll contact your hearing aid’s manufacturer. When the manufacturer requests that we send them in for repair, we’ll use expedited couriers to get them back to you as soon as possible, but these delivery services will cost a little extra.

The good news is that our hearing instrument specialists have the right know-how and equipment to provide you with fast, effective results if your hearing aids begin to malfunction or quit working altogether.

Hearing professional showing hearing aid to a patient
Hearing expert showing a loner hearing aid to a patient

Our Loaner Service

An advantage connected to coming to Provincial Hearing for hearing aid repair the collection of reconditioned hearing aids we keep on hand, allowing you to borrow a pair while you’re waiting for yours to be repaired. Your loaner may not be perfect, but it will be as much like your regular one as possible and will do in a pinch, so your regular daily schedule won’t be interrupted.

Receive a Valuation Quote on Your Existing Hearing Aids

Available on all manufacturers and models (includes over-the-counter, PSAP’s or prescription devices)

If you’re exploring new hearing technology, and you’re an existing hearing aid wearer, then you may benefit from receiving a valuation quote on your existing technology.

Based on the manufacturer, model, age and condition – we’ll calculate a generous valuation on your devices that you could utilize as part of a trade-in towards new technology.

Simply complete the form, and we’ll contact you with the valuation quote.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Hearing Aid Repairs

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Q. How much do hearing aid repairs cost?

A. If we can repair your hearing aid in the office, the cost could be as low as $75. If we have to send it to the manufacturer, the cost can range between $300 and $500, depending on the age of the hearing aid and the length of the warranty provided with the repair.

Q. Why should I trust you to fix my hearing aids?

A. We’ve been repairing and servicing hearing aids for several years, keeping hundreds of clients happy, many without even having to send the hearing aid to a factory to be repaired!

Q. Can’t I just repair my hearing aid at home?

A. The very thought makes us cringe. Except for daily cleaning, keeping them dry, and changing batteries, leave hearing aid repairs to those who have the right training and equipment to do it right without invalidating the warranty or doing damage to the delicate technology and programmed settings.

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Q. Should I replace or repair my hearing aids?

A. There are occasions when repairs might cost more than replacement, but that’s usually not the case. If the damage is irreversible and it is covered by your device manufacturer, then replacement makes a lot of sense. It also makes sense if your hearing aids have a long history of needing repair, are out of warranty, and/or are near or beyond the typical five years of service in order to take advantage of new technology.

Q. How long will repairs take?

A. Simple repairs can be done while you wait. When there is extensive damage or when we have to send them to the manufacturer, it will take longer, but we’ll work to get them back to you as soon as possible.

Schedule a Hearing Aid Repair Appointment

Are your hearing aids damaged or not performing as designed? Rather than give up on them, bring them to our hearing aid repair experts, including our certified hearing instrument specialists, at Provincial Hearing so you can continue to enjoy the lifestyle benefits they provide.

Contact us by completing and submitting the adjacent form, and we’ll call you to schedule a hearing aid repair appointment.

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