Refer A Patient

Refer a Patient

If you have a patient that would benefit from visiting our team of hearing experts, then please complete this form.

Upon completion, we’ll contact the patient to schedule a convenient date/time for their appointment.

Thanks for all you do.

Have a question or need help? Then please call us at any one of our locations, Bridgewater 902-543-5872, Kentville 902-678-2153, Truro 902-897-1046

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Ask Annette

New Year, New Tech from Starkey Hearing Aids

January is the perfect time for new beginnings – setting goals for the new year...

Starkey Edge AI: Rivalled Only by Perfect Hearing

Think about all the different things you hear on a daily basis, from your alarm...
Alzheimer’s takes so much from us and the loved ones who suffer with it – with the help of hearing care, you can take some of it back.

Alzheimer’s Awareness: The Unlikely Link to Hearing Loss

Alzheimer’s is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that destroys brain cells, causing your cognitive abilities (the...