More young people are noticing the benefits of proper hearing care and protecting their hearing, whether it be with custom-moulded hearing protection or hearing aids. Noise exposure is only increasing – for young people in busy environments like concerts, restaurants and working sites, the importance of taking care of your hearing is much more prevalent.

We love seeing so many young people taking charge of their hearing health! For so long, hearing aids have had negative stigmas attached to them – whether it be due to aging or the image of hearing aids of the past.

How Can I Treat My Hearing Loss?

Our recommendation for treating hearing loss is to start with a comprehensive hearing assessment, the first step toward better hearing. Professional hearing care, tailored to your specific hearing needs, is a surefire way to get the best help for your hearing loss challenges, whether you’re in need of hearing aids to help your hearing or not.

When you think of hearing aids, what are some key words associated with them? Bulky, loud, ugly colours… hearing aids that your parents wore, or even your grandparents, weren’t exactly pretty.

But modern technology has transformed the hearing aid to be sleek, discreet and significantly more powerful – without the buzzing, too! Advanced hearing aid technology has helped diminish the negative associations with hearing aids, as quite often, people won’t know you’re wearing them at all.

Regular hearing care, ear cleanings, and (if necessary) hearing aids can help you regain your hearing and your life – joining in conversations at family and friend gatherings, listening to music and hearing the world around you will help improve your mental health, not just your hearing health.

There’s no shame in wearing hearing aids and taking care of your hearing health. With more younger people getting tested and fitted for hearing aids where needed, the importance of looking after your hearing is more visible than ever. They know that hearing care is vital for taking care of their overall health – and if you’ve read this far, now you know it, too.

Concerned about Your Hearing?

The team at Provincial Hearing is ready to help you with every step along your hearing health journey. With so many differing opinions on how to achieve better hearing, we can’t blame you for feeling overwhelmed!

If you have questions, concerns or just need someone to give you advice on what to do next, we’re on hand to provide answers.

Please feel free to request a callback from us and we’ll get in contact with more information. Alternatively, you can call us at the location closest to you:

Bridgewater (902) 543-5872,
Kentville (902) 678-2153 or
Truro (902) 897-1046.

Explore the Benefits of Hearing Care

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Annette Cross, BC-HIS CEO and President of Provincial Hearing

Annette grew up in a farming family and was familiar with hearing loss because it was in her family. Finding hearing care very interesting, and after gaining more than 10 years of management experience, she started working in the industry in 1992 as a secretary. Her passion and dedication to help enhance lives through better hearing has only grown more since those days. In 1997, Annette had the opportunity to purchase Provincial Hearing from owner Don Allen. Since then, she has grown the business to three locations — Bridgewater, Truro, and Kentville. Provincial Hearing is proud to be one of the oldest locally/family-owned clinics in Nova Scotia, and Annette contributes the clinics’ success to her team’s provision of honest, personalized patient care and their desire to always stay on top of the latest advancements in the hearing industry.