Ask Annette

New Year, New Tech from Starkey Hearing Aids
January is the perfect time for new beginnings – setting goals for the new year that will carry us through to the next, helping us improve as people and professionals. If one of your resolutions is to look after your health, perhaps it’s time to explore hearing aid...

Starkey Edge AI: Rivalled Only by Perfect Hearing
Think about all the different things you hear on a daily basis, from your alarm ringing in the morning to saying goodnight and getting ready for bed. Your hearing plays a key role in your life, and it’s one thing that you never “turn off” like with sight or smell....

Alzheimer’s Awareness: The Unlikely Link to Hearing Loss
Alzheimer’s is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that destroys brain cells, causing your cognitive abilities (the functions of your brain to do with thinking and memory) to deteriorate over time. Named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer, who made major breakthroughs about...

Social Isolation’s Link to Hearing Loss
There have been some studies going around that link social isolation with some truly alarming statistics, like the CNN Health article about a 2023 study that found people experiencing social isolation had a 32% higher risk of premature death. This comprehensive...

Apple Officially Announce a Hearing Aid Feature | Will This Reach Canada?
On September 9, 2024, Apple hosted a virtual event to unveil the latest updates to their product lineup, including the new iPhone, Apple Watch, and AirPods. Earlier this year, rumours circulated about a potential ‘Hearing Aid Mode’ in the works, so we eagerly tuned in...

How Can Hearing Aids Help Me at Work?
Picture it: amazing your coworkers with quick replies and commentary in meetings or during social events, hearing instructions correctly on the first listen, staying safe and aware during the morning and evening commutes… it’s important to look after your hearing to...

The Hidden Risks of Hearing Loss
It’s not news that untreated hearing loss can lead to an increased fall risk, cognitive and memory problems, and dementia – but something reassuring is that more people are seeing the connections than ever. Just recently, a study from Johns Hopkins was published that...

Should I Get My Hearing Tested in My 60s?
Many of us believe that hearing loss exclusively affects the older generations – 70-90 years old is when we see the most hearing struggles. Or so we thought. If you’re reading this, chances are that you’re in your 60s and you’ve noticed some hearing loss challenges...

Celebrating 33 Years of Annette Cross in Audiology
From joining the audiology industry as a secretary to being the first Canadian president of the International Hearing Society, our CEO Annette Cross has spent her 33 years working in the field making sure that every patient she saw had an excellent, comfortable...

Should I Get My Hearing Tested in My 50s?
If you’re reading this, perhaps you’ve noticed some hearing loss challenges recently, but you’ve told yourself that you’re too young to have to worry about that just yet. However, hearing loss is totally normal for many young adults, and for some, it’s a part of...

All You Need to Know About Apple’s Predicted “Hearing Aid Mode” in iOS 18
While it’s all speculation at this current point, speculation from reputable forums and news outlets tells that tech giant Apple is set to release “Hearing Aid Mode” in the next iOS update, iOS 18, predicted for a September 2024 release. This new feature will allow...

54 Years of Provincial Hearing Take Part in Our Celebration!
Back in 1970, our clinic opened its doors for the first time with a mission: to provide quality, professional hearing care to everyone who visited us, from their first hearing assessment to their latest maintenance checkup. Today, in 2024, we’re so proud to be...

Are You Too Young to Have a Hearing Loss?
It’s a valid question to ask: “Am I too young to have a hearing loss?” Hearing loss and hearing care are often attached to negative connotations surrounding aging and getting older; however, I’m here to tell you that’s not always the case. My team and I have seen...

Are More Younger People Wearing Hearing Aids?
More young people are noticing the benefits of proper hearing care and protecting their hearing, whether it be with custom-moulded hearing protection or hearing aids. Noise exposure is only increasing – for young people in busy environments like concerts, restaurants...

Can Hearing Aids Help You Live Longer?
The conversation around hearing health has taken a fascinating turn with recent studies drawing a direct line between hearing care and longevity. It's a connection that not only highlights the importance of auditory health but also positions hearing aids as potential...

How to Unclog Your Ears from Wax
If your ears have been feeling clogged up lately, it’s possible that you have a buildup of earwax. While your first instinct might be to try and clean it, there are a few reasons why that might not necessarily be the wisest decision. A certain amount of earwax can be...

Mindful Melodies: A Holistic Approach to Emotional Healing from Tinnitus
The gentle hum of the world surrounds us every day. Birds chirping, trees rustling, and the soft patter of rain are everyday sounds we might overlook. However, imagine a world where an incessant, internal melody accompanies every waking moment. For many Canadians,...

Celebrating International Senior Day: Cognition, Hearing Health, and Staying Brain-Active
October 1st marks a special day on the calendar; International Senior Day. This day isn’t just about recognizing the incredible wisdom and the wealth of experience that comes with age; it's about understanding the intricate challenges that seniors face and ensuring we...

Know Somebody Considering Treating Their Hearing Loss? | Inspirational Stories from Our Patients
Every day, we see patients who are concerned about their hearing loss or a loved one who is experiencing a hearing loss. We’re always happy to share our professional advice, but sometimes it can be beneficial to speak with someone who is going through the same thing...

Your Comprehensive Walkthrough of the Different Ways to Treat a Hearing Loss
If you or a loved one is seeking treatment for hearing loss, you might be feeling overwhelmed by the amount of options available. When researching the best options, you may find conflicting information from various sources. With so much information available, it's...

Cognitive Decline and Hearing Loss: Understanding the Powerful Connection With Provincial Hearing
Hearing loss isn't just about missing conversations or needing to turn the volume up on the TV. Recent scientific studies indicate a strong correlation between untreated hearing loss and cognitive decline. The team at Provincial Hearing, the trusted hearing care...

Introducing the Winner of the Fifth Annual “Give the Gift of Better Hearing” Giveaway!
It's with great joy that we share the news about the winner of our annual “Give the Gift of Better Hearing” giveaway! This monthlong initiative aimed to honour Better Hearing & Speech Month by giving back to the community we cherish.We understand that the...

Exploring the Cost of Hearing Aids: An Honest Insight from Provincial Hearing
If you've been on the search for better hearing, one of the most common questions you likely have is "What's the cost of hearing aids?" The answer to this query can often be elusive, as many hearing care providers tend to be vague or noncommittal when it comes to...

Experience Matters: The Provincial Difference With 50 Years of Heritage in Nova Scotia
When looking for a clinic to support you on your journey to better hearing, you have a lot of wonderful options. It’s important to do your research and find a team of hearing care professionals who will be the best fit for your individual needs. Treating hearing loss...

A New Era of Hearing Technology: Introducing Genesis AI Starkey Hearing Aids
Genesis AIBetter Hearing Never Sounded So GoodDiscover the future of hearing technology with Starkey Genesis AI hearing aids. Packed with intelligent features, these devices offer unparalleled sound optimization, speech clarity, and seamless connectivity. Experience a...

Cookies Return to Our Clinic (and More Reasons to Choose Provincial Hearing)
At Provincial Hearing, we believe that providing exceptional hearing care is about more than just having the right qualifications and experience (although those things are certainly important!). It's also about creating a welcoming and comfortable environment where...

Ear Flushing – What You Need to Know Before Your Earwax Removal Appointment
Ear flushing, also known as ear irrigation, is a simple and fast medical procedure involving using a liquid solution to clean your ear canal. The procedure is typically performed by a hearing care expert, such as me at Provincial Hearing. Ear flushing may be...

Five Great and Terrible Ways to Unclog Your Blocked Ears
If your ears have been feeling clogged up lately, it's possible that you have a buildup of ear wax. While your first instinct might be to try and clean it, there are a few reasons why that might not necessarily be the wisest decision: A certain amount of ear wax is a...

We Have Two Winners from Our Competition
We always try to help everyone in Nova Scotia achieve the healthiest hearing possible. We know how important hearing is to our everyday lifestyle as a primary avenue of communication. We use it for our personal lives and for our careers. Only once your hearing is...

Annette Cross Presents Founder of Starkey, Bill Austin, with a Lifetime Achievement Award
We recently celebrated the 70th International Hearing Society’s Convention in San Antonio, Texas, and it was a tremendous event from start to finish, with members from all over the world attending to learn more from each other and develop lifelong relationships. The...

Is There An Adjustment Period With New Hearing Aids?
Congratulations on getting your new hearing aids! Now that you have chosen to treat your hearing loss professionally, your whole life will be enriched. When you have your new hearing aids fitted for the first time, it can take a while to get used to hearing everything...

Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids vs. Prescription Hearing Aids – What’s The Difference?
Up till recent years, most people only ever knew about prescription hearing aids – hearing aids prescribed by a hearing professional for a mild to severe hearing loss. But there’s been a lot of talk in the last two years about the ability to buy hearing devices over...

What To Expect At A Hearing Assessment
It can be very normal for people to resist coming for a hearing assessment because most often, hearing decreases slowly over time and you don’t notice it. Rather than consider that your hearing has declined, you’re more likely to accuse others of mumbling more or not...

How To Support A Loved One With A Hearing Loss
Living with a loved one with a hearing loss can be emotionally taxing, especially if the person keeps denying they have a hearing loss or refuses to treat it. Here at Provincial Hearing, we’ve heard the many reasons for neglecting or delaying hearing care – and we...

How to Choose the Best Hearing Aid for You
There are many options available when you first start looking for hearing aids. This guide will explain the basic styles you can choose from. Depending on your level of hearing loss, there may be some that will work better than others. Partnering with an audiologist...

What Is Tinnitus And What Can I Do About It?
If you are experiencing the constant sound of ringing in your ears, and you know the noise is coming from inside your head rather than outside, you might have tinnitus. Tinnitus, pronounced tin-ny-tus or tin-ut-us, is not always a ringing noise either. It is very...

How To Clean Your Hearing Aids
There is a lot of info to take in when you are first fit with hearing aids, including learning how to clean and care for them so they last for many years. I always tell my patients, “If you take care of your hearing aids, they will take care of you.” Below, I’ve...