Annette Cross

CEO and President
Annette grew up in a farming family and was familiar with hearing loss because it was in her family. Finding hearing care very interesting, and after gaining more than 10 years of management experience, she started working in the industry in 1992 as a secretary. Her passion and dedication to help enhance lives through better hearing has only grown more since those days.
In 1997, Annette had the opportunity to purchase Provincial Hearing from owner Don Allen. Since then, she has grown the business to three locations — Bridgewater, Truro, and Kentville. Provincial Hearing is proud to be one of the oldest locally/family-owned clinics in Nova Scotia, and Annette contributes the clinics’ success to her team’s provision of honest, personalized patient care and their desire to always stay on top of the latest advancements in the hearing industry.
A wonderful advocate for the hearing instrument specialist profession, Annette has held all executive positions in Nova Scotia and has sat on the Nova Scott Society national board for more than 15 years. Annette is currently serving her third term as president of the International Hearing Society (IHS) and was the first Canadian to hold this position.
Annette has volunteered her time around the world with the Starkey Hearing Foundation and has been on nine missions, including Turkey, Egypt, El Salvador, Panama, Jamaica, Kenya and China. She says it is truly rewarding to be able to help the less fortunate and to literally experience watching people’s lives open up through better hearing, calling the missions some of the most fulfilling experiences of her life.
An avid believer in helping others through volunteer work, all three of Annette’s Provincial Hearing clinics offer a program called “Everyone Hears,” for Nova Scotians, and she and her team fit donated hearing aids to the less fortunate and to those that qualify.
Annette loves the satisfaction she gets from helping people to enjoy a greater quality of life.
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With so many myths and misconceptions about achieving better hearing, it can be confusing to understand who to trust or what your next steps should be.
That’s why we’re on hand to help.
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